Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sick of feeling YUCKY!

So this last three weeks has been really hard on me for some reason. (close your eyes if you don't want to hear me vent). To start: I had a bad absest tooth that I toughed out for four days. Finally went to the dentist and they gave me antibiotics. Two days into the antibiotics I go the flu. Along with my two boys. A week later I get a root canal. Which I would much rather give birth than go through that again! An hour after my lovely root canal I get in a car accident with all my kids in the car. Way to tramatic!! And no I was not on any pain killers!! I wouldn't drive if I had takin anything like that. Then three days later I felt like I was getting a bladder infection. Later that night I was rolling in pain (much worse than contractions have ever been!) My kidneys were killing me. I almost had Brandon take me to the ER, but I decided to tough it out. What a long night! Sunday we headed to insta care in Hurricane. They were closed! So here we come St. George! So the insta care in St. George wanted all the money owed before we could leave. Which Brandon had not got paid so we could not afford it. Plus it was a FOUR hour wait with all three of my kids surrounded by sick people. So we just left. Two days later Brandon got paid so I went into my kids doctor. Mainly because Roxxe has had a bum rash for two weeks. And the Pink Swizzle did not work for her. So her doctor took care of me also at no charge and determind that I had a double kidney infection. So here I sit on antibiotics again. I am now two days into them and still feel no better. Now I have the body aches again. If I don't stay on top of the Ibuprophin I can not function and take care of the kids. What in the Crap is wrong with me!!! Our health care system sucks especially if you don't have insurance!! My kids do but I do not. Also in the midst of all this my husband is getting his dental work done which when all is said and done will cost us like $20,000. So he has been trying to work off some of that by remodeling the dentist office. Which means he has to work there on weekends and evenings. GRRRRRRRRRR I hate this! I like him home at those times. Especially when I don't feel good. Maybe one day I will be able to figure out what is wrong with me. Hopefully before it is to late. Plus, my doctor wants me to get an MRI for my migranes. Who can afford that! Ok I am done venting now. My life really isn't that bad but right now at this moment it feels that way.


The Clarks said...

I am so sorry! I would probably be on the floor crying right about now, so congrats to you for just making it through the day! Hang in there, things always seem to work themselves out somehow. Let me know if I can do anything to help! & Roxee is adorable feeding herself, by the way :)

Daisy Paige said...

Woah, that seriously sucks. Keep your chin up and try to get plenty of sleep (yeah, right!) and we'll put all y'all in our prayers.

PS - the word verification for this comment is moomuu, which I find hilarious.

About Me

Toquerville, Utah, United States